Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Being Generation Y, And What That Means

                                         By Paul M.

We are awesome. We are young and dynamic. We are Generation Y: The quasi-technical term for people under thirty (or so).  But what does that actually mean? Ok so we were born in the late 80’s early 90’s, but this gives no real connection or definition. Being of this generation myself, I will explain exactly what it means. I may not cover the whole truth in one short article, but nothing I say will be irrelevant to every one of you.

So as a Gen Y-er, we are connected, friendly, social, slightly insecure (like everyone), open-minded, nostalgic, smart, spacey, ambitious, fun, out to have a good time, real sort of nerd-hippie do-over’s with more brain cells and nicer clothes. We are also more presentable and thus harder to spot. (Keep up the good work my friends) we are like chameleons, adaptable, and flexible. We get a kick out of that stuff others call trouble, we enjoy the spicy things in life; risk. And if none of these attributes describe us, then we long to make it so they do. We think we know it all, because we do! But we don’t, and that’s a flaw. We are open-minded enough to think we don’t know everything, but we aren’t sure if we don’t know everything, because we don’t know if we know or don’t know that we know or not. This creates uncertainty. And that’s what I think sums us up, and almost explains our actions. We are uncertain, so we “drink our drinks” (wink wink) and have a good time, because the s*** could hit the fan at anytime. It might not though, so we blend in and become those day-walking vampires that come out at night and hunt for our answers, scattering and scurrying all over each other like our destiny is hiding inside the person we haven’t met yet. It isn’t, probably, but it’s there some where. Waiting to be found, waiting to be bitten and devoured. Some of us lurk the internet and find ourselves Google-ing things like “what is the meaning of life?”,” what should I do if…”, or other life questions.

Now I understand every generation has had this “uncertainty”, but ours is different, much different, because it’s happening NOW. Also, because our societies’ “progression” (tech, knowledge, self-understanding) telescopes forward. It changes faster and faster. That whole “exponential growth” thing all networking guru’s get hot and bothered talking about. It’s beginning to reach a crescendo, my friends; a deafening roar is just over the horizon, rolling its beautiful, chaotic wave right this way, and we feel it.

How does this help me? Maybe some of this is applicable to my life, now what?

I wouldn’t lie to you; I don’t know. I don’t know what will work in your life or in your mind, but I do know what has worked and is working in mine. After all, isn’t that all we can really share with each other? Our personal experiences?

I plan to continue this blog and record those for you. My hope is to help you understand the times you live in and more importantly, understand yourself, if that’s your MO.

Goodbye for now friends

-Paul M.

P.S. - Apologies for not having any pretty pictures this time, my computer is acting up.

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